Restoration Restoration: Airline 84KR-2510A Receiver A funny thing happened when people started hearing that I was learning to restore and repair old vintage radios and equipment. Suddenly I started hearing from quite a number of people that they had an old radio they would like me to look at
Restoration Restoration: Superior TV-10 Tube Tester This is an ongoing restoration log. Check back occasionally for updates! The full album of photos for this project can be viewed here []. When
COVID-19 4,157 Faceshields In 43 days, a volunteer force of 45+ people and businesses donated their time, materials, and efforts to produce a whopping 14,700+ PPE components
Radio KEØTCF: Radio Doctor I love old technology. Ever since I was a kid, I liked opening up gadgets to see the electronics inside, even when I had no idea what any of it